Smart Education Technologies: Vehicle for Quality Education -Taking the Zoom as an Example


Wang Xi, Jonathan C. Iglesias


Affected by COVID-19, schools have changed the teaching mode from offline to online to maintain normal operation. Online teaching is an unconventional means adopted in a special period, which is different from offline daily teaching. The interaction and communication between students become less, which leads to poor enthusiasm of students and lax learning. Some students have poor self-discipline, and teachers cannot effectively supervise. Online learning cannot timely adjust teaching strategies according to students' status, and the management of the teaching process is difficult. By collecting the process information and feedback of teachers and students using smart education technologies with interpretative phenomenological analysis IPAmethod, this paper analyzed the impact of online teaching on teachers and students during the epidemic period and evaluated the effect of smart education technologies .Using smart education technologies, it can effectively realize learning situation analysis, on-demand generation of lesson plans, personalized question answering, class learning situation management, teacher- student interaction behavior analysis, personalized paper issuance, intelligent scoring, test situation analysis, etc. Smart education technologies realize students’ personalized learning, promote students’ independent development, individualized development, and sustainable development, truly realize effective teaching, and quality education.


Quality education, Smart technology, COVID-19, Online teaching, IPA

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